Take the time to do something for you. You spend most of the day doing for others: kids, family, friends, those less fortunate than you….

I breathe though the tears. I breathe through the laughter. I breathe when life is good. I breathe when life is bad. I breathe.

I know that things might get worse; I also know they may get better. I acknowledge the bad that may be coming and hold space…

Do you remember what your mom said? “Be nice, and if you can’t be nice, be quiet.” It was good advice then and it’s good…

I am happy today. I have made the decision that I will be happy and I stand by that decision.

We can’t change anything that has happened in the past; the future has not yet happened. Everything happens in the present. Now is all we…

I don’t always get to choose what happens, but I always get to choose my reaction to what happens. I will control what I can…

Reality is sometimes good and sometimes bad, but pretending it is not real does not make it go away. I acknowledge reality, embrace what I…

I appreciate all the love in my life : romantic love, love of pets, love of friends, love of chocolate, love of any kind.