This is something that bears repeating – a lot. I am enough. When things are tough, I am enough. When things get overwhelming, I am…
Even when we are at our lowest, there is something to be grateful for. Commit to stating your gratitude for some period – it doesn’t…
Times may be tough; I may have to face things that I do not want to face. I can and I will do it, because…
I am kindness and love. Unfortunately, there are times when the tragedy of current events cause me heartache. I will not allow myself to become numb….
I have a good relationship with my intuition, because I know when the voice inside me speaks, it is just a more-knowing me.
Life is something I do, not something that happens to me. I appreciate each new day I am given, and celebrate it to the best…
I am centered in truth and understanding and light. I will not be pushed off my center by what is happening around me.
I am a survivor. What happens to me will not define who I am or who I want to be. When I stumble, I will recover. When…