These tough times will not last forever, even if they feel like they will. You have always managed to survive and get through times like…

If there is something you used to do, and want to do again, do it. If you started something and it didn’t go as you…

I know you are tired; it is okay to rest, then pick yourself up and start again. When you get tired, rest again. There is…

You can do this hard thing. I have seen you do hard things before, and I am certain you will do them again.

The key to success just may be persistence. If you miss the mark five times, try a sixth time. Let this be your mantra: Try…

None of yesterday has to cling to today. If you wish you had been nicer yesterday, be nicer today. If you want to stand in…

I am doing the absolute best that I can today. I hope to reach each and every goal I set. And if I meet my…