Sometimes you have to dig real deep to find your gratitude. It’s not that there aren’t things to be grateful for, it’s just that sometimes you…

I concentrate on and appreciate the good in my life. I put my attention on the things I want more of.

There are a lot of unpleasant things happening out there in the world, and they are amplified by the constant ‘news’ on the television, radio,…

There are a lot of people with a lot of opinions out there. And while it is great to get other’s thoughts and advice, in…

Don’t let worries of what might happen or what has happened make you miss what actually IS happening now. Worrying won’t change anything except where your…

Focus your attention on what you have, not what you don’t have. Be grateful for what is.

I find and appreciate the good in all situations. I do not ignore the bad, I know it is there. And I choose to put…

Look for the good, and you will find the good. Expect the unexpected, and it becomes the expected. You will manifest what you put your…