I believe that we are all worshiping the same god, using different methods and different names. I believe that a prayer is a prayer, and…

People don’t all have to believe the same thing – about God, about politicians, about restaurants, about the best way to have fun, or anything…

I believe in angels and souls and that we are all doing the best we can with what we have and know. I believe in…

You are strong enough to get through this! I know it’s not fun; it’s not what you had envisioned doing at this point in your…

I believe in abundance. There is enough of everything to go around. We are taught to share as toddlers. Remember those lessons, and believe in…

There are so many conflicting opinions out there: eat more protein, no – eat less protein; do cardio workouts, no – lift weights; tell everyone…

I can’t say this enough, and things will not get truly better for you until you believe it in your bones. You are lovable and…

As we come to the close of this year, remember to watch for the magic. It’s there, and you won’t see it if you don’t…

Think about what you believe in. Do you believe in it because someone told you to, or because it resonates in your heart? It’s good…