Everything changes, whether I want it to or not. I try to remember not to get too comfortable with the way things are now. I…

Stretch a little; do something you have never done before. Do something in a different way than you have done it before. Different is not…

Being uncomfortable isn’t the worst thing in the world. Step outside your comfort zone!

Go ahead and do that thing you have always wanted to do but were afraid you couldn’t. Read up on it, take some lessons, and…

The growth is outside your comfort zone, so don’t be afraid to spend some time there. Go places where you don’t normally go; talk to…

If it scares you or makes you uncomfortable, you should consider doing it. Staying comfortable does not allow you room to grow. Get outside your…

Step outside your comfort zone. There is a whole world out there that you will never see if you stay comfortably where you are now….

I know it’s hard; do it anyway. I know it’s scary; do it anyway. Do you want to better yourself? The easy, comfortable way won’t…

It is a little uncomfortable outside my comfort zone; that’s okay. Outside my comfort zone is where I learn new things and grow, so I…

You don’t have to do something huge like skydiving in order to move outside your comfort zone, though you are certainly welcome to do it…