I accept all my emotions as they come. I greet them all with curiosity and work through them. I attach no judgment to them; emotions…

Do not feel bad about crying; crying is human, and helps clear emotions. Sometimes a good cry is what is needed. Crying is a good…

I am up; I am down. I am happy; I am sad. I am excited; I am depressed. I am peaceful; I am filled with…

Let’s teach our children how to deal with emotions they have, not how to stuff them inside and ignore them. Let’s not pretend that anger…

I am quick to cry, to laugh, to show my feelings. And that is a good thing. I sometimes wish that my emotions weren’t so…

What will put a skip in your step today? How about actually skipping a bit. Even if it feels ridiculous, skip, skip, skip to my…

Eye contact: Where the deepest of emotions can be shared, the human spirit can be honored, and respect can be exchanged. No words needed.

Some people are very good at holding their emotions inside and going about their daily lives. You may not know that the man who bumped…