Be happy now! There is always hope life can be better in the future, but enjoy what you have now.

There’s nothing wrong with looking at the past. You can enjoy good memories and see how far you have progressed since then. But don’t forget,…

Don’t wait until you are thinner, things slow down, the kids are older, the house is clean, work gets easier, you make more money, or…

Enjoy this day. Let nothing from the past cling to it; let nothing from the future worry you. Live in the present and enjoy now.

Don’t let the fact that you can’t do something perfectly stop you from doing it. You aren’t an opera singer? Sing anyway. You aren’t an…

Slow down. Do what you can comfortably do. Enjoy your life. You don’t have to do everything that is presented to you. Take the time…

Don’t spend time worrying about being on the right path. If you are on a path, it is your path. Do not be distracted by…