It is important to realize when something is over. Hanging on to people who don’t want to be with you is an exercise of futility….

It may not be the life you dreamed of, or expected to have. It is your life; embrace and enjoy it.

Life is about the journey, not so much about the destination. So enjoy the journey, whether it be straight forward or circuitous. Have a destination…

You don’t have to wait to enjoy your life until things get better, you have more time, you lose some weight, or anything else. Enjoy…

Slow down. It is hard to enjoy the present moment when it goes by so fast. Your whole life doesn’t have to happen at 90…

I know that things will not always feel like they do today – either good or bad. I take each day as it comes, enjoy…

I know you are under a lot of stress right now, and that you are not one to complain. You just go about your business,…