Spend time with the people who make you feel seen and heard. Spend time with the people who make you feel safe. Spend time with…

You have the power to make people smile. You have the power to make people feel heard. You have the power to make people feel…

Kudos to all who care enough to ask the next question and wait around long enough to hear the answer. When people feel heard, they…

I persist, even when things are hard and not going my way. I persist, even when most people seem to be happy to have the…

When you feel like giving up, find someone you can talk to. The requirements for this listener are: they are caring, they don’t try to…

I deserve to be seen and heard. I will no longer try to make myself small to fit someone else’s concept of what I should be….

Speak up and speak out! Your opinion is worth hearing, and worth as much as anyone else’s. No one else has to agree with it,…