I win. I lose. I get it right. I get it wrong. I make mistakes. I apologize. I am human.

I learn from my mistakes and move on. Making a mistake does not mean I am bad or stupid, it means I am human.

I made a mistake. I will forgive myself, fix it the best I can, put systems in place to help avoid this mistake in the…

We all make mistakes because we are all human. When you find you have made a mistake, make whatever amends you can, and move on.

Do not feel bad about crying; crying is human, and helps clear emotions. Sometimes a good cry is what is needed. Crying is a good…

I keep going through my struggles. I continue to try, though I don’t always get it right. I laugh, I cry, I procrastinate. I am…

Look after those around you who may need a little help: elderly neighbors, people who have compromised immune systems, people who cannot easily get out…

There is nothing wrong with you, except maybe the fact that you believe something is wrong with you. You are fine just the way you…

Feel your feelings – all of them, the bad as well as the good. You are human, and humans have a full range of feelings….

I am up; I am down. I am happy; I am sad. I am excited; I am depressed. I am peaceful; I am filled with…