I am important. I deserve to be heard, comforted, and loved. My feelings matter. I believe it, and I act on it.
When you are in the depths of despair, as we all find ourselves sometimes, and you can’t seem to find your way out, or even…
I don’t HAVE to do anything. SHOULD no longer exists in my vocabulary. I am at CHOICE, and I will CHOOSE to do the things…
It is important to consider what others say to and about you. It is even more important to remember that someone saying something out loud doesn’t…
The words you use are important – especially the ones you use with yourself. Remember to be at least as gentle with yourself as you are with…
I have to do something that I am not looking forward to, and it is important that I not only do it, but that I…
If you are hurting, for whatever reason, reach out to someone. Let a friend, or a relative, or a hotline know you need help. It…
It is important to me to remember that I am not what I do. It is important to me to remember who I am.
It is important to reach out for people when you need help. Many people would be happy to be there for you, and it is important…
What is really important to you, right here and right now? It may be different than it was a year ago; it may be different…