I can do this. I have the knowledge, experience, and desire to get this done. I am capable.
I don’t know how I know, I just know that I do know. Maybe I am calling up some knowledge I learned in an earlier…
I am doing the best I can with the knowledge that I currently have. When I know better, I will do better.
In my life, I choose. I choose love over hate, peace over war, knowledge over ignorance, and good over bad.
I do the best I can with the knowledge that I have right now. When I know better, I will do better. This, truly, is…
It becomes clearer and clearer to me every day: I have no control over anything or anyone other than myself. So I will continue to…
There are bad things happening all around, and I stand firm in the belief that the good will prevail. It is not my path to…
The world is hurting. The people of the world are hurting. Send good energy, prayers, meditate on it, do whatever it is that you do…
It’s okay to be a little scared of the unknown. And use that fear of the unknown to find out what you can about the…