I learn the lessons of the past year and take that knowledge with me into the New Year.

Today is done. Bless it, learn your lessons from it, and let it go. Tomorrow is a new day. It deserves a fresh start, with…

I look to the past to see how far I have come and to remind myself of the lessons I have learned. I look to…

I look to the past to remember the lessons I have learned and to see how far I have come. I look to the future…

Don’t waste your time on regrets. If you wish you had done something differenlty in the past, do it differently today. The past is done…

I hope we all learn our lessons from 2021, whatever they are. Here’s to a better, bigger, brighter 2022! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I will be okay; I need a little time to regroup, figure out my lessons from this, and move on.

As this year draws to an end, I am reminded to look for the lessons I learned throughout this difficult year, and to have hope…

I look to the past to learn my lessons; I concentrate on now, doing things that will make the world better now and in the…

The past is in the past; I don’t live there anymore, and cannot affect what happened there. I do learn the lessons of the past,…