When you are so overwhelmed you can’t think straight, perhaps your best move is to take a step back, have a nap, come back and…

If you need a nap, take a nap. If you need 5 minutes to sit and think, take it. The only way we are going…

You know what is important to you. So if it important to eat, then eat. If it important to nap, then take a nap. If…

I am worthy of love, of good friends, of naps, and of feeling good for no reason. I am worthy of much more, and this…

Sometimes you just need a nap. If it is one of those times, then take a nap. Don’t feel like you have to explain yourself…

Take a tip from a parent; sometimes a time out is what is needed. When you are feeling overloaded, at the end of your wits,…

When things get overwhelming, and you get cranky or confused, sometimes you just need to take a nap!