You may be able to do something, but that doesn’t mean it should be done. Think about what you are going to do: is it…

You are important; you are worthy. You are a necessary and vital person in this world. Be you!

You don’t have to say every little thought that pops into your head. Before you speak, think: is it kind? is it necessary? is it…

I love me. I am lucky enough to have others that love me, and I love me the most. It is not selfish to love…

Just because I can doesn’t mean I should. I think through my actions before I do them, to be sure that they are kind and…

I am a valuable and necessary contributor to this world. The fact that someone else does not see this does not negate this truth.

Please take a second before you speak to think about what you are going to say. Is it kind? Is it necessary? Before you say…

How do you feel about making decisions? If you’re like most people, some are probably easy and require little thought, while others may feel so…

First, do no harm. This is often attributed to the Hippocratic oath, and applied to doctors. I think it should apply to all humans. It…