The world is chaotic; my anxiety and stress are through the roof. But I am okay. I am safe and warm. I inhale peace and…

You are safe here: safe to say what you mean, safe to sit and think, safe to recharge, safe to be you.

We made it; it is 2021 – a New Year and a fresh start. So far it really doesn’t feel much different than 2020, though…

Goodbye 2020 – so many did not survive you, and they will be missed! I am grateful that I made it through. I am looking…

We are all in this together. There is nowhere else to go. We must all do what we can to make this world safe and…

I am safe, and for that I am eternally grateful. I may not have everything I want, but I do have everything I need.

Words matter. Try saying, “I get to stay home and be safe,” rather than, “I have to stay home,” or, “I am lucky that people…

Be there for people; hold space for them so that they can feel safe to feel their feelings and go through whatever it is they…

Do what it takes to live your best life. Do not be concerned about what others will think if they see you using a cane…

I hurt, and I know a lot of others out there hurt as well. Please remember your self-care in these tumultuous times. You are worth…