Do what you have to do to heal: get the help you need, stay away from the people who pull you back into your problem,…

If there is something you used to do, and want to do again, do it. If you started something and it didn’t go as you…

You don’t have to wait until tomorrow or next week or next month to start over; you can start over now.

It can be overwhelming to look at things to come. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking, “I can’t do that, it’s too…

Today is your chance to start over. It is a brand new, glorious day. You can spend it fretting over things you did and that…

I may not have lived up to my expectations yesterday, and that is okay. Today is a new day; I get to start over and…

None of yesterday has to cling to today. If you wish you had been nicer yesterday, be nicer today. If you want to stand in…