Bad things are happening today. It is a fact. Don’t ignore what is happening now, but do remember that now is not forever. You have…

When life knocks me down, I get up. When I don’t reach my goal the first time, I try again. When I think I can’t…

These tough times will not last forever, even if they feel like they will. You have always managed to survive and get through times like…

You have made it through everything life has thrown at you so far and you can make it through whatever you face coming up. You…

I will make it through this – I’m a survivor. I have lived through tough times before; I will live through tough time again.

I have gotten through bad times before; I will get through bad times again. I have been knocked down many times; I have never been…

You have been through a lot, and you are still here. You know that you can’t always choose what happens, but you can always choose…

You are going through tough times right now. It is important to remember that these times may be long or short, but they won’t be…

I don’t know what is coming in the New Year, but I do know that I will deal with whatever happens. I’m a survivor.